16 months to live?! Oncology report results

It's been about a week since mom was in the Hospital. She's been staying at my house (michelle) for the time being. We transformed (read overturned)  our downstairs study in to a fully furnished room for her. And put our study out in the living room.

(My client meeting area transformed into an office haha)

We didn't want her to go up and down stairs for the time being.  After a week, she seemed to be doing better. She insisted she wanted to go back and stay at her home in Coto de casa. And in just a few days it seemed like her condition worsened. I think she is to anxious to do things.

We visited the oncologist today. It turns out mom has a really eare mutation of cancer. Egfr Econ-20 duplication mutation. There isn't a lot of info or studies avaliable on it-- the little bit of info that we could find on google implied a median 16 month life span. Shocking and scary.

Mom is taking the time to consider chemo and immunotherapy. She initially didn't want to do either and only wanted to try "alternative" methods. But due to the severity of her condition, she is considering them more seriously, we would start the chemo as soon as next week


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